Useful Contacts
Our recommended florist - Angel Blooms, is a local business based within the parish, Kathryn is warm and friendly and loves to hear your idea's about your Big Day! Angel Blooms contact number is 07541 889319 and is also available on social media.
Violets & Daisies, is also a local business based in Bakewell, they are familiar with the venue and have idea's to help you with your wonderful plans. For all quotes and inquiries, Violets & Daisies can be reached on 01629 258 015.
Our recommended photographer is Chris Seddon, who has worked with Biggin Hall for several years and has an abundance of experience within the wedding industry. For all quotes and inquiries, Chris can be reached on 07834 970824.
The first point of contact should be with our local Registrar at Bakewell - 01629 535261 - as bookings can only be made through that office. All arrangements with the Registrar’s Office are entirely the responsibility of the client.